Student Leadership
Student Leadership
As the public face of the College, student leaders are encouraged to lead by example, mentor and provide constructive dialogue in all facets of their role.
Western Heights College is building an inspired program for student leaders who are part of the dynamic student leadership team. Representing our College and leading positive change both within our College and the broader community, this team reflects all aspects of our College core values.
Student leaders organise and conduct events, enhance student engagement, play a key role in welcoming committees for dignitaries and international school visits, represent the ‘voice’ of the student body and address key issues that drive ongoing improvements within the College.
Student leadership includes listening to and being able to clarify the issues of the students they represent and advocating on their behalf. Student leaders have an increased sense of responsibility to help others and to model leadership principles and values, including modelling behaviour that exemplifies the College values of: Courage, Community and Integrity.
2022 Student Leadership Team

Western Heights College has a strong focus on providing authentic student voice and agency. Student voice and agency are intrinsically linked; agency gives students the power to direct and take responsibility for their learning, creating independent and self-regulating learners, whilst student voice is about providing students the opportunity to communicate ideas and opinions and having the power to influence change.
Student voice and agency is evident at Western Heights College, students are taught to focus on:
asking questions to strengthen their understanding
collaborating to share their ideas and opinions
actively seeking feedback from teachers and peers to progress and reflect on their learning
giving feedback to peers and teachers
taking responsibility for their learning and on becoming independent and self-regulating learners
designing and implementing school policy and programs, and actively contributing ideas about student-led learning
Students are empowered to take ownership of their learning to make purposeful contributions to their learning environments and to tackle issues arising in the world around them.