I can see where we’ve come from.
I can look forward to where we are going to.
I can understand who we are, what our ambition is.
I can know what we stand for, and how to share these with our students, teachers, parents and community.

I can start now.


Your Quick Reference Guide

Specialist Sporting Programs

We are excited to offer athletes with a unique opportunity to pursue their sporting dreams while receiving an outstanding education.

Scholarship Program

Western Heights College scholarships are awarded to Year 6 students who demonstrate a dedication to learning and commitment to our College values of Community, Integrity and Courage. Prospective students who understand and align their behaviours are invited to apply. Applications close Friday 13 September 2023.


Western Heights College is interested in hearing from anyone who attended the school and would like to be part of our new Alumni program.

Enrolling at WHC

We are very pleased to present a virtual tour of our College. We hope this virtual tour will give you an insight into the amazing environment and opportunities that are available at Western Heights College.

Key Dates - TERM 4 2023

Term 4 dates: 2 October to 15 December

4th October - Region Athletics

17th October - Year 12 Celebration Day

25th October - Geelong Cup Public Holiday

27th October - Year 10 Formal

16th November - Year 12 Graduation

17th November - Student Free Day (Reporting and Assessment Day)

20th November - 24th November - Year 10/11 Exams

27th-30th November - Early Commencement Program for Year 11-12 2024 students

12th December - Final Day of timetabled classes for years 7-9

13th - 15th December - Activities Program for 7-9 students